Lenovo Z5 Pro GT USB Driver ADB MTP Qualcomm

Lenovo Z6 Pro  is also known as L78051  (L78051). Here is usb drivers for connecting this smartphone with pc for various tasks such as Files Transfers , Data Backup, Flashing, Software Update , as well as adb fastboot functions.

Download Lenovo Z5 Pro GT (L78032) USB ADB MTP Qualcomm Driver

Lenovo Z5 Pro GT Android smartphone. Announced Apr 2019. Features 6.39″ display, Qualcomm Snapdragon SDM855 chipset, 4000 mAh battery, 512 GB storage, 12 GB RAM.Lenovo Z6 Pro .

Supported Operating Systems

Windows XP , Window 7 , Windows 8 , Windows 10 , windows 11 both 32 or 64 bits.

Download Driver

  1. Download drivers from links below and extract with to suitable place like PC Desktop.
  2. Run setup from extracted folder and follow the on screen instructions
  3. After Completion Restart PC.


Adb / Fastboot

Lenovo Moto Smart Assistant & Useful Tools

Note : All Drivers are scanned for viruses and found clean. However you can also scan them before use.