Restore Lenovo A369i MT6572 to Stock ROM
In this tutorial I will explain how to flash the stock ROM Lenovo A369i. Here is a tutorial step by steps.

- Take full backup your important data if possible.
- Download files below:
– - Install the driver using InstallDriver.exe that is on file
- Turn off the phone, remove the battery, MicroSD and sim card.
- Extract the files, in folders Lenovo A369i_Software Upgrade Tool, run Flash_tool.exe
- Enter the scatter file by clicking the Scatter-loading (Figure 1) and then locate and openMT6572_Android_scatter.txt of folder targets bin that is in the file (Figure 2)
Figure 2 - Checklist section DA DL All With Checksum, click Download
Figure 3 - Removable battery, connect the data cable from the phone to the computer
- When Flashtool connected to the phone and start flashing progress (if not yet to detect unplug then plug it back in until the flashing process runs), wait until completion.
- After 100%, the flashing is complete, marked with a green circle with the word OK
Figure 4
Hope it is useful 🙂