How to Hide WhatsApp Last Seen

WhatsApp is one of the most popular applications and has become the main means of communication among the younger generation.

This instant messaging system has many advantages, but it has often been criticized that it invades our privacy too much, showing data such as the last connection time or whether or not we are online.

For those who want to solve these privacy issues quickly and easily by sharing their information with those they really want, today we will explain How to Hide WhatsApp Last Seen

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Steps to hide WhatsApp online

Hiding your online status is very simple. The first thing we need to do is open the WhatsApp application on our mobile devices. Then we press on the three vertical points in the upper right part of the screen and go to Settings.

In the menu, we choose the Account option and then go to Privacy. In the option that says “Last time. time “ we can choose if we want everyone to see it, only our contacts, or directly if we don’t want anyone to see it.

If we choose the none option, none of our contacts or the people we have not added as contacts will be able to see the last time we connect or know if we are online or not.

However, keep in mind that this is reciprocal. That is, if you choose that no one can see the last hour of connection, you will not be able to see that of others or know if they are online.

To go even more unnoticed in WhatsApp, following the same path that we have indicated to make others look forward to the last connection, you can also change who can see your status and your photo. This way you can significantly improve your security when using this instant messaging system. You can choose if everyone can see your photo and your status, if only your contacts will see it, or if no one will see it.

Of course, keep in mind that even if you have become invisible in WhatsApp if your contacts send you a message and you read it, they will receive a double check indicating that you have seen it.

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Disable WhatsApp

If not appearing online is not enough for you not to receive unwanted messages or for others not to control your activity and what you need is to temporarily disconnect from this instant messaging application, you can do it without having to delete the application from your device.

It’s as simple as going to Settings> Applications> All> WhatsApp> Force Stop. This way you will not receive any notifications, but the messages will arrive normally (even if you are not notified) and you will be able to read them all once you reactivate the application, so you will not lose anything.

If you want to continue to make the most of your WhatsApp and improve your security, you may also be interested in our article on the best applications for WhatsApp.