Download OnePlus 2 USB / ADB Drivers


If you are the owner of most popular smartphone ONEPLUS 2 and want to download its usb or adb drivers for performing pc windows task or to root with adb command you can get these driver from here. ONEPLUS 2 comes with amazing features.

Download OnePlus 2 USB / ADB Drivers
pic : androidauthority

Other Links for OnePlus2

Unlock Bootloader on OnePlus 2

Root & Install TWRP Custom Recovery on OnePlus 2


Download OnePlus 2 USB / ADB Drivers

How to install:

  1. Download and extract file.
  2. Double click to install.

Adb rivers setup:

OnePlus 2 adb drivers setup
  1. Download OnePlus 2 adb drivers
  2. run adb-setup-1.3.exe
  3. Follow onscreen instructions

Download Links

Supported OS : Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 both 32 and 64 bit


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